The definition of an ideal hire for an employee is no longer what it used to be earlier. When it comes to filling vacant positions, employers want nothing less than a perfect match in both skills and cultural fit.
To cater to this expectations, some staffing firms have begun to add a new stage to the hiring process — a trial phase. The objective is to evaluate the individual on-the-job before inducting them permanently. Does this trend mark a new beginning in the recruiting domain? Will employees be comfortable with this approach? In this blog we try to seek answers to these questions.
There’s little doubt that, in the days ahead, this trend will catch up and employees will have no other option, but to live with it. A recent Leadership IQ’s Global Talent Management Survey, found that 81% of new hires invariably fail in their new positions. This is primarily because of ineffective interview tactics. Sometimes, smart candidates take control of the interview and hoodwink their way into the company. Such hires cost the company both in terms of time and money.
Why Trial Phase
Trial phase recruitment adds an extra precaution to safeguard companies from hiring misfits. It involves minimal separation costs, reduces downtime and ensures only the best fit step into the available positions.
Mona Bijoor, founder of Joor, a New York-based company that connects brands and retailers hires employees on a contract for three months, over which they are given 30-day milestones. If they reach the milestones, they are hired permanently. Besides helping Joor find the best fits, this approach ensured the company identify employee who would be happy with their jobs. Earlier, only one in three hires worked out for the company. Hiring on trial-basis has eliminated that risk completely.
What Employees’ Think
Though this approach would help employees find the right job profile and work environment, skepticism surrounding the practice would remain. The first doubt that the employee would have is: is the job a true temp to perm position or not. No amount of reassurance would eliminate this doubt from their minds. And to add to their doubts, there would be many horror tales popping up from all corners. However, to succeed with this approach, employers need to do everything possible to remove the scare out of the employees mind.
How to Make Trial Phase Work
The best way to get the most out of the trial phase is by explaining out to candidates upfront. Employers need to talk in details about the company’s long term plans and how they would want to see the candidate fit into their future plans. Further, it is important to make the candidate feel welcome and provide him some time to adjust. This would inspire the candidate to give his best shot in the trial phase. Set expectations right and be honest while evaluating performance.
For employers, a temp-to-hire arrangement is a great way to get visibility into aspects that don’t get manifested in the resume or during interviews. For employees, a temp-to-hire arrangement comes as a great opportunity, provided they cast away all doubts and go determined to give their best.