Software Testing

Why Banking Only on Crowd Testing May Not Be a Wise Option for Your Organization

crowd testing

We all know that UI is the soul of websites. It’s only when your site or application functions correctly that you can make customers buy all that you want to sell. In the same breath, we know how important crowd testing is to make a site properly functional.  The speed, low cost, enhanced multi-browser testing capability and amazing scalability offered by crowd testing makes it indispensable, in every sense, to make your ecommerce site fully functional right from the word go.

But does the idea of many heads being better than one always work well? If so, should it be tried and tested right from commencement. How safe is it to try it at the cost of an inhouse testing team? Is it only about results or lot more beyond it?

Familiarity Breeds Peace of Mind

All said and done, software testing is a highly skilled and specific activity. If you have a team of competent testers, getting the job done in your backyard spares you many a trouble. For instance, you don’t have to worry about data sensitivity, authorization or confidentiality. Similarly, you don’t have to worry about the robustness of your process. You can entrust the task to people who will work together with a common objective, in an atmosphere of trust and mutual support.

There’s Accountability, But at What Cost

Now, cut to a crowd testing environment.  It’s all out chaos. No doubt, you hit more bugs sooner than you expect, but in a highly haphazard and fragmented manner. You might be wondering; how does it matter as long as it helps you discover bugs faster. We agree, but partly though. The relationship between remote testers and actual developers is based on the premise of disconnect. What if their feedback does not really reach developers? Can the development team learn from their mistakes, and understand and improve upon them? Yes, crowd testing does bring in accountability of your developers, but at what cost – at the cost of integrated relationships and well-coordinated resource management, which is so critical to developing a great work culture; the long-term fallout of which can be severe on any organization.

The one thing that QAs must have at any cost is a thorough understanding of a project and its aims.  Large projects in particular, can take months to understand. Given that remote testers are driven by a single-minded objective, expecting them to devote time to fully understand the nuances of the software is wishful thinking. With an in-house testing team at your disposal, it gets a lot easier to tailor a wholesome and inclusive approach to a project.

Why Not Blend the Two?

To cut it short, the best way to find a great testing solution is to back in-house testing with crowd testing. This way, you get two-things at the same time: stumble upon undetected bugs and keep your in-house testing team on their toes. There simply can’t be a better way to hone the skills, of both testers and developers, to perfection.

Get Smart Coders offers highly specialized and business focused outsourced testing services to meet your specific needs. We offer experienced professional resources from 8 global delivery centers to provide quality testing for any mobile or desktop environment.

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