Explaining complicated technology to the masses has always been a tall order for enterprises. Even today enterprises depend on elaborate whitepapers, mundane brochures and repetitive case studies to educate masses, despite knowing that these modes can fall short of their intended purpose. Where they go wrong is in failing to understand that today’s reader wants to be informed in engaging ways. In fact, putting a complex concept across in a two-to-three-minute video can find more user acceptance than trying to convey it through a nine-page whitepaper.
Let’s take the cases of Attivio, a company which sells Unified Information Access (UIA) solutions and marketed its products through conventional marketing collaterals. The company soon sensed the need to introduce some variety into their marketing strategy and so took to short videos for a change. The results were amazing — a staggering spike in site traffic and a significant increase in conversion rates. Video postings soon became the cornerstone of their marketing strategy.
The Other Benefits
Besides meeting its purpose of engaging readers, using videos can have another big advantage too. It makes your site more search engine friendly. That’s because Google knows that people’s attention is fleeting, and to capture it for a longer time video can be the best option. So Google makes it a point to reward video and video-driven websites by bobbing them up on first page of results.
In addition to the above benefits, video is also the easiest content to share on social media. The numbers tell it all. On Twitter, 700 videos are shared every minute. On Facebook, videos are shared 12 times more than links and text taken together. Likewise, explainer videos make up 67% of global YouTube viewership with a watch rate of 5,000 videos a day.
Having White Papers as Videos – Is It Feasible?
Aspiring for a video version of a white paper is like aiming for the moon. That being said, leveraging a short animated video to introduce your white paper can always be a great marketing strategy. And that’s because, people have an abiding love for interesting stories, and when the gist of your white paper gets presented in engaging formats they would love them even more. Similarly share your success stories or analysis with lively animations and see how many more clicks and comments you invite.
With an animated explainer video, it doesn’t matter what product or service you’re selling. It all boils down to how well your video tells your story.