Custom Software Development

Why Businesses Should Choose Custom Software Development Over Low Code Development?

Custom Software Development

In a mobile-centric business world, choosing the right software development process plays a determining role in developing superior quality mobile apps. Today, businesses have two mobile app development processes to choose from – Low Code Development and Custom App Development. Knowing which one to choose can make a difference between success and failure of your business app.

Custom Software Development

The Low Code and Custom Software Development Conundrum

Low code development is one way to design and build apps with little coding. It helps businesses to build mobile apps using pre-built templates and interfaces. Developers use a set of tools like pre-existing user interfaces and data management integrations. For the design structure of the app, developers use a drag-and-drop method without the need to understand the underlying code.

Custom app development on the other hand is the process of creating mobile apps to fulfil specific business needs and address specific requirements of users. The code in a custom app development solution is created from scratch and considers all the needs of the business. The custom app development route offers businesses a plethora of limitless customization options. It is the best approach to ensure good quality of the app development process and results.

So, the question is which approach would be more beneficial? Let’s take a look at why you need to choose Custom App Development over Low Code Development.

Why Businesses Should Choose Custom Software Development Over Low-Code App Development?

  • Customization

The major advantage of Custom software development is the scope of personalization it offers businesses in developing apps. Developers can analyze your business needs and requirements to chalk out custom solutions. In custom software development, the benefit of developing code from scratch allows developers to get into the nitty-gritty of your business to enhance user interaction and engagement. It also allows you complete control over every aspect in the development phase.

  • Consideration of Security Concerns

Security is a major concern for customer-centric businesses. In the custom software development process, you can build security features into the software. Custom app development integrates data encryption and security measures, which secures your user’s personal data and your organization’s corporate data. It allows developers to set different levels of protection to tailor the app to your security objectives.  

  • Integration

Custom software development integrates your app with other tools within your organization with the help of an interface that enables easy transfer of data. Low code development on the other hand comes with a limitation of lack of integration with other tools and software within your organization which can make it challenging to work through different software.

  • Increased ROI

Custom app development can offer you benefits of increase in productivity and profit levels. With increase in productivity levels and user engagement, research shows that 60% of businesses have seen increase in ROIs using custom software development solutions. When you take the custom app development route, you will be the owner of the software and hence you will not have to bear the costs of licenses.

  • Support and maintenance

Custom software development ensures support and maintenance services during and after the development process. Custom app development companies recognize the need for app maintenance in terms of fixing defects and functional enhancements to provide users high levels of satisfaction. Custom development solutions also provide opportunities for automation. A lack of such support and maintenance can cause your business huge losses due to downtimes.

  • Scalability

A business is bound to grow and be faced with changes in its lifetime. Low code development approach is faced with challenges when it is time to scale. Whereas, with custom app development solutions, you can scale your mobile app to match the needs of your business growth. It is easier for developers to assess the future needs of your organization and factor them in the development process. This helps you reap the benefits of improved user experiences and lesser downtimes.

  • Personalization of Design

Custom software development solutions ensure the app reflects your brand’s identity. You can build personalized interfaces unlike templated interfaces in low code development. With custom app development solutions, you can build apps that have unique design and layout that bring out individuality. You get to choose the design, features, flow, UI and much more. It is easy to make graphic and visual alterations. Such individuality and brand identity present a business with a competitive edge.

How Custom App Development Services Help Businesses Capitalize The Benefits of Custom Software Development

Low code development lacks the required experience of professional developers with extensive technical know-how which may pose huge risks for large businesses or businesses that are looking to develop new apps. It does not offer the right level of design freedom to be able to optimize user engagement to drive business results. In contrast, custom app development offers numerous benefits for businesses in various facets such as security, customization, design, and support. It empowers your business to accomplish your desired objectives and functionalities in connection to a mobile app. It is best-suited in cases that involve confidential information.  

Custom App Development

Therefore, custom app development is a better approach to meet your mobile app development needs. 2022 is going to see a drastic increase the percentage of businesses who will incorporate custom software development. You can read more about custom software development trends that will be in vogue in 2022 here. Custom software design companies support through the process of your mobile app development.

We as a custom software development firm offer comprehensive custom app development services that include integration, UI/UX design, updates and migration, and testing. Our custom app development process includes analysis of requirements, development of design, integration with existing software, testing, deployment, and maintenance. We have served clients in various verticals such as retail, e-commerce, travel, healthcare, finance, and education. For instance, we developed a hybrid tracking app for one of our clients in the logistics industry. We incorporated the client’s specific needs such as cross-platform development, in-built tracker reporting features and GPS integration with barcodes in the development process.

You can get to know more about why an experienced Custom App Development company can benefit your business here.

Who We Are and What Makes Us an Expert?

This article is brought to you by getSmartCoders. We are leading custom application software development company that offers custom mobile app development services across platforms. Our expert developers are equipped with latest technologies and skillsets to offer sustainable business solutions.

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